Hey dear ones!
It’s been a while since I last posted a beauty post. No, it’s been too long. Anyway I wanted to share some products I have been trying for more than a month now. I was kindly sent a few items of my choice by the Oliveda team and I have to admit I’ve never heard or tried any of their products before. I did some research and I agreed to having some sent to me. I took my time testing, because I didn’t just want to introduce you to some fancy looking products. I wanted to be able to speak from personal experience. I think more than a month of trying and testing good enough to pen a post.
So let’s get right to it, shall we?
Active Face Cream – Cell Active
Every beauty blogger, beauty addict or quite simply every normal being has their go-to face cream they always use.. except for me. It is part of a basic skincare routine. Well, here is the deal. I’m still in search of my main b*tch/my bae/my ride or die chick of the face creams. When it comes to face products, I am by far the last person that would scream I volunteer, because I have the habit of breaking out or ruining my perfectly fine skin rather than doing it any good or better as I hope. So I my nivea body cream or cocoa butter has worked fine so far, thank you.
You get why I’m not so keen on trying new things on my face. But yeah yeah, I know I need a real face cream. So I got myself to try this one and it was a pleasant surprise not to break out but being left with a smooth feel to my skin. The product is very rich and nourishing. For now this will do. Bye nivea body lotion. I know right, what was I thinking?!
I apply it every morning after using the Rose Face Oil. (More about it right below. Just keep scrolling, I promise)
Rose Face Oil
The Oliveda Rose Face Oil is by far my favorite product. If I had shot Most Worn Things: Beauty& Fashion just a couple of months later, I would have definitely mention it in the video. Now I don’t know exactly know what face oils are supposed to do to your face or why exactly or for what occasion one applies face oils to one’s face, but I do know how this particular one makes me feel.
The Rose Face Oil leaves my skin soft and smooth with a nice glow to it. It immediately illuminates not just my face but also my morning mood on these cold grey winter days when I look back at the mirror while getting ready or before I’m about to leave the house.
It has become impossible for me not to start massaging my face and close my eyes for a moment of inner peace and brace myself for the day ahead, when applying this face oil. The strong scent of roses have a really calming effect on me. Imagine yourself applying cream, and then you start massaging yourself. In the face.
That is me. #icanteven
No but seriously I’m loving it way too much.
I apply 3-4 drops of it every morning after cleansing my face (read: wash my face with nothing more than H2O).
I definitely want to try more of those and discover new scents!
Foot Cream
Blessed – or rather cursed. But I won’t dare speak evil upon myself. So unfortunately blessed, with the syndrom of dry feet that is so typical African, not even Shea Butter can handle, foot cream is a thing I have to use. I should add faaf to my beauty problems list, because apparently that is a thing. (faaf = feet ashy as fuck).
Although I shouldn’t underestimate the power of true African Cocoa or Shea Butter. I never cream my feet and it is entirely my fault. I forget to cream my feet, which is why I haven’t been using this foot cream very regularly. But it is very rich and moisturizing and I really should get into the habit of using it everyday and it did feel like the whiteness of my feet went down whenever I did use it. Also I always have cold feet and whenever I applied the Oliveda foot cream, it felt like my blood circulation was revived.
I’ll force myself to use it more frequently. Maybe I’ll do an update post.
On another note: I’ve been very pleased with the Oliveda products. Especially the Rose Face Oil, like I said I can’t get enough of it. Plus I’d love to try more of the face oils.
OLIVEDA Body Olive Tree Therapy Foot Cream
OLIVEDA Face Olive Tree Therapy Active Face Cream – Cell Active
OLIVEDA Face Olive Tree Therapy Rose Face Oil

Lovely post, I didn't know that olives have so many great properties!
Me neither until I tried these products. Now I don't only love eating them, but putting them in my face too xD
Love Lois xxx
hört sich super an!
Hab einen schönen Tag!
PS: Ich verlose gerade eine wunderschöne Tasche von Esprit auf meinem Blog, schau doch mal vorbei!
Liebe die Produkte immer noch 🙂
Love Lois xxx