AD/WerbungAbout two weeks ago my friend Grace and I got ourselves a lash extension. Getting your lashes done is pretty exciting and comes with a few perks: You always look wide awake and alive without any eye-makeup, eyeliner plus no more mascara and the loss of your own lashes due to constant rubbing off of mascara or in my case going to bed with it. Ever since I started my blog and attended my very first fashion week, I’ve been visiting the Beauty Lounge each season, yet I could never snag an appointment with Luxuslashes, a long time partner, because their limited slots are always so quickly booked. So I’ve known Luxuslashes for quite some years and lash extension is not new to me. But only recently has lash extensions been such a prevalent thing for me. I’ve always admired my friends who’ve gotten their lashes done, as they always looked so fresh and alive no matter what time of the day, and all of that with little to no help of makeup. The eyes, my favorite feature in a person, can be so captivating and I’m a sucker for beautiful eyes. Eyes set in a beautiful crown of lashes are something else. Oddly most men are blessed with it. But girls, this is why we use mascara. Incase you’ve thought about getting this treatment done because a) your lashes are too short b) appear short because they aren’t curled c) your lashes are sparse aka not full, here are a few things you should know about getting your lashes done and all about my experience below.
Before vs After
Without further ado where’s everything you need to know..
The Treatment

The treatment itself takes about 1 hour and is pretty relaxing because for most of the time you just lay on a bed with your eyes closed as soothing music plays in the background. It does not hurt at all. First step is cleansing the eyelids and your own natural lashes of all traces of makeup. I’d advice you to go to your appointment without any makeup on. From there on you just lay there with your eyes shut as she glues each lash to your own lashes. I went for the mascara look(250€) with Foconyes Volume (the latest innovation from Luxuslashes – feels much softer and is more lightweight than silk/mink used by most beauty salons), which is more than the natural look(230€) and a one-to-one technique that looks a lot more natural than the drama look(300€). The drama look and is only advised for a special occasion, as you’re sticking double the amount of lashes to your natural lash (mind you your lashes need to carry all that extra weight!). Luxuslashes is not about creating full bird like ready-for-take-off lashes that look like brooms, but rather enhancing your natural lashes and their natural look. After all they care about your own lashes, because if you don’t have any left, you can’t get a lash extension.
Though Grace and me got the same treatment done, our results differ. Since I have naturally long lashes and huge eyes, mine was about going even longer framing my eyes, whereas Graces result was more about going with her natural curl. Luxuslashes gives you an individual look, working with what your eyes have to offer.
Taking care of your lash extension

Although this treatment is often referred to as permanent lash extensions, nothing really lasts for ever, but aftercare is key to getting the longest wear out of them. The lashes are meant to last 4 weeks, but start shedding slowly after a bit over a week/ getting to two. After two weeks you can start going for a refill which costs 70€ after week 2 from the original appointment.
After the initial treatment you’re not allowed to take a hot shower or steam bath or let your eyes come in contact with water, as the glue needs 48hrs to completely dry. Each morning the lashes should be brushed with a special brush to get rid of any particles, as well as brush them in place and your pretty much good to go. No big eye makeup, not even eyeliner. The brush is complementary to your treatment.
Luxuslashes has created an entire skincare line that’s based on a formular perfected to go with the glue for their lashes – from eye makeup remover to eye creams and mask & gels.
Apart from their mascara I don’t own or use anything from their skincare range. I don’t use the mascara either, as I’m very happy with the way the lashes look. Girls, I’m so pleased, really! As for skincare I make sure to use oil-free face wash & makeup remover, because oil dissolves the glue. I dodge anything that makes me cry (heart-break-hotel thoughts, sad movies, uni stress) too, since fidgeting around my eyes and excess amount of water is not in favour of the lashes lasting its longest. In ode to Adriana Lima’s “I won’t cry for you, my mascara is too expensive” my lashes are too expensive.


Luxuslashes Lounge Berlin
Nürnberger Str. 19
10789 Berlin
10-19 Uhr, Mo-Sa
Next to the Foconyes Volume Luxuslashes also offers a cheaper alternative with silk/mink, that starts at 170€ for natural look, 190€ for mascara look and 200€ for the drama look. And refill starts at 40€ after two weeks and costs 80€ after 5 weeks. If you wait any longer, you need to get it completely done from scratch.
Pricing for Foconyes is 230€ for natural look, 250€ for mascara look and 300€ for the drama look. And refill at 70€ after two weeks and 130€ in week 5.
In a more natural light

I’m super happy with the outcome. After two weeks my lashes still look great and I don’t think I will go for a refill anytime before week 4. Grace filmed a vlog for her youtube channel, which you can check out here. Last but not least.. since the eye is a very delicate area, my only advice to you is to think about what it is you are getting glued to your eyes. My previous lash extension (sometime October last year) looked beautiful no doubt, but it left my eyes constantly red, watering and irritated. And my love said I looked like a bird. Even if you pay less at other places, it’s still a lot of money you’re paying for a lash extension, don’t just get it anywhere done. I’d rather pay more and be on the safe side than, pay less and go blind. And Luxuslashes really is top notch when it comes to the lash extensions game.
Love Lois xxx