It was just the weirdest year yet.
Just found this quote in my notes and it kind of fits to every aspect of my life last year. I think we are all destined for greatness, but sometimes we stand in our own way of becoming who we truly are, distracted by fear, hurt, pain, doubt and other blinding things we give too much power over ourselves. We stand in the way of becoming who we truly are – who we were and always meant to be..
“There is a pull that is beyond the knowledge of man that drags us toward each other time and time again—no matter what stands in its path. It will find us everywhere, anywhere. It calls out our name in the dark silence of the night, beckons us to let go of what’s holding us back from what we know is our destiny.”

Top NAK-D | Bag Fendi | Earrings Mockberg |
Jewelry Stella&Dot | Pants Zara (similar) | Sunglasses NAK-D
Sunglasses I Sonnenbrille: NAK-D
Top: NAK-D
Bag I Tasche: Fendi
Pants: Zara (similiar here and here)
Necklace & Rings I Kette & Ringe: THANKS TO Stella&Dot
EarringsI Ohrringe: Mockberg
Love Lois xxx