Zanox invited me to one of the best events I’ve been to so far. And guys, you know I’ve been luckily enough to have been to many. It all started in the morning at the Zanox Headquarters, where we were invited to a day filled with workshops, lovely people, talks and yummy food.
When I first stepped into the blogging world not thinking much of it, I quickly learned this was a huge world with so much to still learn about it. But I felt I was getting the hang of it.
That day, right there and then, listening the talks about SEO and monetising Blogs in the workshops Zanox offered, I realized I know nothing at all.
Zanox organised workshops for us bloggers, as well as a talk with the emerging Designer Damian Hirschberg, who talked about the importance of bloggers for designers from his perspective and gave us the chance to peek behind a photo shoot.



As if this wasn’t enough, we were even escorted in rickshas (You know how much I love those rides from the Debenhams event!) to the afterparty that took place at the Sage Beach. (AWESOME location!) I enjoyed talking to the other bloggers, getting to know new faces or hang out with the old 🙂 What I liked a lot was the fact that this wasn’t just a chance to network with other bloggers but also with Zanox workers and the sponsors’ representatives.

ph.: JasminDanEileenVan Anh

Dress I Kleid: H&M

Bag I Tasche: THANKS TO Glossybox Style

Necklace I Kette: New Look
Watch I Uhr: Primark
Ring: H&M

Shoes I Schuhe: Weekday

Neon Bra I BH: H&M

Thanks so much to everyone involved who made this happen and gave me the chance to learn so much more new stuff about blogging.
And with a little work I’m so ready to take my blog to the next level!

Love Lois xxx




  1. August 1, 2012 / 9:16 pm

    schoene fotos suesse <3 mir gefallen deine schuhe richtig gut!
    caro <3

  2. August 1, 2012 / 9:19 pm

    Beautiful outfit, very cute and chic ! xx

  3. August 2, 2012 / 9:37 am

    You look gorgeous, love the outfit 🙂 And that event looks like so much fun! I wish I could be a part of something that someday 🙂 xoxo ♥

    Thanks for your comment!

    • August 2, 2012 / 11:13 am

      hopefully one day you'll be 😀
      Love Lois xxx

  4. August 2, 2012 / 5:44 pm

    The kind of event I would have loved to attend!

  5. August 2, 2012 / 11:09 pm

    Das Kleid steht dir ganz wunderbar und die Schuhe sind toll! 🙂

  6. August 2, 2012 / 11:32 pm

    lovely photos and let me tell you that i am in love with that heels. Give it to me, lol ! Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. appreciate it. would you like to follow each other?



  7. August 3, 2012 / 8:02 am

    i love your necklace and shoes. thanks for the comments of my blog. i'm following you now, your posts are so lively and cool


  8. August 3, 2012 / 5:42 pm

    hi, thanks for comm! U're pretty, U've beautiful smile! 🙂
    best regards, come soon!

  9. August 3, 2012 / 6:24 pm

    Those heels, those wonderful, towering, beautifully blue heels – oh-la-la indeed! You look marvelous, dear gal – so summery and stylish!

    Many thanks for the lovely birthday wishes, I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
    ♥ Jessica

    • August 4, 2012 / 10:49 am

      yay cheers to your German skills! hahah <3

  10. August 4, 2012 / 10:48 am

    thanks everyone for your lovely comments!! You guys are so sweet!<3
    Love Lois xxx

  11. August 4, 2012 / 9:27 pm

    Looks like a great event! You look gorgeous 🙂 xx

  12. August 5, 2012 / 12:34 pm

    Vielen Dank für Deinen netten Kommentar bei mir! Ich folge Dir mal über GFC – gefällt mir gut hier 😉
    Vielleicht hast Du auch Lust häufiger bei mir vorbei zu schauen 😉

    Sehr cool der Zebradress übrigens – den habe ich mir auch gekauft 🙂 – ihn mit Neon zu kombinieren ist ne super Idee!

    LG aus der EDELFABRIK

    PS. Bei mir läuft gerade ein kleines Gewinnspiel!

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